Please click the question below to see the answer.
Does FSG Insepctions sell the information you provide to the company?
No. We would not like for someone to do that to us, so we do not do that to others. Any email correspondence will be directly related to your inspection.
Can I attend an inspection?
Yes! We recommend that you attend the inspection. If you cannot stay for the entire inspection, we at least recommend that you be there the last half hour so we can go over findings and we can answer any questions you may have about the residential or commercial property.
Is there a warranty or guarantee with the inspection?
Unfortunately we cannot act as an insurance company, nor offer to cover damages that may occur over time on your home. What you are buying from us is our professional opinion about the residential or commercial building. This opinion is based on a time specific and limited inspection. What is hidden, non-accessible, or apt to happen over time is not within the scope of the inspection.
We do give you our word that we will try to perform the best inspection available in the market and that we will not cut corners or rush through your inspection.
What is Mold?
Molds are types of fungi. Mold requires moisture and a food source to grow. There are certain types of mold that can damage wood. There are molds that may cause harm to people with the toxins they produce. Determining the type of mold present in a home, if any, would require inspection and testing. If mold is present in abnormal quantities remediation is the recommended course of action. Read more detailed information about our mold-related services.
How long do inspections take?
Inspection times vary from inspection to inspection and are dictated by site specific conditions.
A standard Mold Assessment on an average size home is performed in approximately an hour to an hour and a half. We do not rush thorough a mold assessment. If we need to be there all day, we will! After the site part of the inspection is complete we will spend approximately 2 hours compiling information and pictures to produce your final report.
Commercial Mold inspections can vary greatly in time based on the scope of work.
Insurance inspections such as 4-Points and Wind Mitigation Inspections last on average 20-30 minutes each.
A standard leak detection appointment includes up to 2 hours of time. Additional time will be charged at current rates. Leak detection can be very complicated and difficult. Sometimes we find it fast, sometimes it takes a substantial amount of time.
Thermal imaging is in increments of 1 hour. Most regular sized homes and small business can be reviewed in 1 hour or less.
Is there a requirement to fix all deficient items found in the Inspection Report?
No. Sellers are not obligated to fix deficient items found in an inspection report, unless the repair of those items are required by law, or there is wording in the contract outlining the obligation of repairs on the seller. Deficient items may be items of negotiation. You should keep in mind that no building is going to be perfect. It is up to you to decide if you would like to proceed with the purchase of the residential or commercial property.
Can a buyer inspect a property themselves?
Yes, but even the most experienced homeowner or business owner can lack the knowledge, expertise, and tools of a professional inspector. An inspector is more familiar with the critical elements of construction and with their proper installation, maintenance along with the inter-relationships of these elements/systems.
In addition, many buyers find it difficult to remain completely objective and unemotional about the property they are considering purchasing which may lead to a poor assessment. An inspection by a qualified inspector provides the buyer a comprehensive, non-biased, third-party review of the residential or commercial property.
In what format or media type do you provide the Inspection report(s)?
We prefer to be as Ecologically Friendly or “Green” as possible. If we can avoid using paper, it is the best choice for our world. We can provide the report as a digital PDF document. The report in PDF can be emailed to you or your agent.
If you prefer, we can also fax the report.
I have a copy of the Inspection Report. What do I do now?
Please thoroughly read the report. You are paying good money to have this inspection performed. If you flip through the report briefly, you may miss some points that could be important factors to take note of. If after reading the report you don’t understand something or have any questions, please give us a call. We would be happy to go over any questions you may have.
We go above and beyond in providing a great product and service. We rely on the referrals from our customers for our continued success. Please let your friends, co-workers, and family members know about us. We want to help them too!
Once the Inspection is performed, when will it be available?
Under most situations, the Inspection report(s) will be available within two to three days.
*Please remember that Inspection reports will not be released without payment and an executed agreement.*
How do I get my report once it is finished?
We prefer to provide our Inspection reports electronically via email. That way we conduct our business as ecologically friendly as possible. You can also easily forward the report to the parties you wish, such as your realtor, the seller, or the bank. If you do not have an email address or access to a computer we also may provide the report in paper format or via fax.
Can I pay with Credit Card?
Yes. You can pay via credit card when setting the appointment online. If you want to pay with credit card at a later time you must let us know and we will send a pay request to an email address you provide. Once you pay for the services rendered, your Inspection report will be made available to you.
Do I need a Paypal account to pay online?
No. You can look on the right had side of the PayPal page you are directed to and there will be an option to pay without a PayPal account.
If I pay with a credit card, or bank transfer via Paypal on the website is my information safe?
We use PayPal and pass a request for PayPal to initiate a purchase transaction on your behalf. The transaction takes place directly on the official PayPal site. We do not have access to any of your credit card information. Once your transaction is completed, PayPal sends payment to FSG Inspections.
Do you take Cash and Personal Checks?
When is payment due?
Payment is due no later than at the time Inspection services are rendered. Reports will not be provided until payment is received.